News & Events

How CPR and AED Techniques Can Save Your Child’s Life

You never know when an emergency might happen. If you have children, that thought can keep you up at night. Will you know what to do? Will you be able to remain calm and help your child? No one knows of course how they will act in a life-threatening situation,Continue reading

What to Do If Your Child Is Constipated

You know how uncomfortable and frustrating constipation can be when you are suffering with it. Imagine how your little one feels. There are remedies and suggestions to help ease their discomfort and get them back to regular bowel movements. Now, what should you do if your child is constipated? … Continue reading

How to Keep Your Kids and Teens Safe on Social Media

From time immemorial kids have always thought they were smarter and more world wise than their parents. This hasn’t changed! With their phones, the internet, and social media, kids and teens have every topic at their fingertips. What they don’t know–is what they don’t know. … Continue reading